
The capabilities of the merchant point-of-sale (POS) system play a pivotal role in the success of any payment innovation. Issuers can distribute EMV chip cards, but the fraud reduction benefits of chip technology won’t be realized if merchants can’t accept the cards. With the October 2015 fraud liability shift, merchants who do not implement EMV-compliant terminals will be responsible for certain types of fraud. Planning an EMV migration strategy is a top priority for all merchants.

The resources on this site provide a range of educational material – from EMV basics to detailed guidance on what merchants should consider to develop a roadmap to accept chip cards and devices.

EMV Fundamentals

  • Chip Card Video
    This video explains what chip cards are, why consumers are receiving them, and how to use them in stores and at ATMs.
  • Chip Education for VARs, ISVs and Merchants
    These recorded webcasts were developed by the Payments Security Task Force and EMV Migration Forum to provide educational resources for U.S. value added resellers, independent software vendors and merchant.
  • EMV 101 Webinar
    This recorded webinar provides a primer on EMV chip payments. The webinar provides comprehensive overview of EMV chip payments, including the EMV transaction flow and options for card authentication, cardholder verification and transaction authorization.
  • EMV Chip Cards: The Future of Payments
    This EMV Migration Forum infographic explains the must-know facts about U.S. EMV Migration.
  • The EMV Ecosystem: An Interactive Experience for the Payments Community
    This interactive PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the full EMV ecosystem, with participants who play roles in EMV issuance, acceptance and transaction processes.
  • EMV Frequently Asked Questions
    This FAQ answers common questions about EMV.
    Developed by the U.S. Payments for merchants and issuers, the web site provides easy-to-use resources for merchants interested in enabling consumers to make contactless payments.
    Developed by the EMV Migration Forum and the Payments Security Task Force for consumers, merchants and issuers, the web site provides easy-to-use and simple resources, and consistent messages about chip cards and their use. Merchants and issuers are encouraged to use the website content in developing communications with customers, cardholders and employees. Merchant and issuer resources include a training FAQ, a merchant infographic and communications best practices.
  • Minimum EMV Chip Card and Terminal Requirements – U.S.
    This resource defines the minimum card and terminal EMV requirements for payment networks American Express, Armed Forces Financial Network (AFFN), China UnionPay, Discover, Jeanie, MasterCard, NYCE, PULSE, SHAZAM, STAR and Visa, in the context of the U.S. electronic payments marketplace and the October 2015 liability shifts.
  • Understanding Fraud Liability for EMV Contact and Contactless Transactions in the U.S.
    This updated U.S. Payments Forum white paper reviews payment network fraud liability policies for EMV contact and contactless transactions in the U.S.
  • Using Chip Cards
    See how chip cards are used to pay with this short video.

EMV Communications Best Practices

  • Debunking EMV Myths
    The U.S. Payments Forum created this guide to provide accurate information for all stakeholders communicating about contact and contactless chip technology, including card issuers, retailers and the media.
  • Effective Communication Practices for U.S. Chip Migration Webinar
    This recorded webinar provides guidance to help industry stakeholders create sound communication strategies that will help the U.S. market understand and embrace chip payments and their many security benefits.
  • Glossary of Standardized Terminology
    The EMV Migration Forum developed a glossary that defines a set of standard terminology for common chip, EMV, and EMV migration terms for use in educational and marketing communications relating to the U.S. migration.
  • Recommended Communications Best Practices.
    This guide provides a step-by-step resource for issuers and merchants to develop effective messaging and education approaches during the U.S. migration to chip technology.

EMV Technical Education and Implementation Guidance

EMV White Papers

Card-Not-Present Transactions

EMV Workshops

  • EMV Workshop for VARs, ISVs and ISOs.
    This recorded workshop provides a comprehensive review of chip technology and focused sessions on the development process and implementation best practices.
  • How EMV Changes Payment Workshop.
    This video workshop provides an in-depth educational resource to assist issuers, acquirers/processors and merchants plan for EMV migration.

EMV Educational Webinars

Payments Industry Resources on EMV

Other Forum Resources

  • Biometric Payment Cards
    This Secure Technology Alliance white paper provides a primer on biometric payment cards for issuers, issuer processors, payment networks and merchants.
  • Contactless Decals for Merchants
    Merchants can order free contactless decals for their POS at this site.
  • Dynamic Security Code Cards: A Primer
    This Secure Technology Alliance white paper provides a primer on dynamic security code cards, their benefits for issuers, merchants and cardholders, and implementation impact on payments stakeholders.
  • Understanding the True Costs of Fraud
    This U.S. Payments Forum white paper reviews use cases illustrating the hard and soft costs of fraud for consumers, merchants and issuers.

Other Payments Industry Resources