Knowledge Center : Transportation Industry Resources

Transportation Industry Resources
- Best Practices – Customer Messaging for Transit Open Payments
This U.S. Payments Forum resource provides a resource outlining customer communication best practices for contactless open payments acceptance in transit. - EMV and Parking
This Secure Technology Alliance white paper was developed in partnership with the International Parking Institute to provide parking industry stakeholders with an educational resource about the critical aspects of deploying an EMV solution in the parking infrastructure - Industry Considerations for 8-Digit BIN Migration
This U.S. Payments Forum resource provides guidance for industry stakeholders about the introduction of 8-Digit BINs - Transit Contactless Open Payments: Technical Solution for Pay As You Go
This U.S. Payments Forum Transit Contactless Open Payments Working Committee resource provides technical solution guidance for implementing transit contactless open payments use cases with contactless EMV cards and NFC-enabled mobile devices.